Angular Roimata

Angular Roimata

This is a collaboration with a customer to create a Roimata with a masculine wairua. The meaning of the Roimata is comfort, healing, and positive energy.  As this is intended for someone where these things are appropriate. The Pounamu is from the Kaniere area, and as you can see is a striking layered pattern.  It…

Piwakawaka Rua

Piwakawaka Rua

This is a special story. These two taonga were made for two beautiful twin.  Their Grandmother contacted me with the commision.  She told me a story of two gorgeous twin babes born 12 weeks premature, they were lucky to survive.  Their first birthday was coming up and she wanted to gift them something to commemorate…

How to tie a professional adjustable knot for a cord necklace

How to tie a professional adjustable knot for a cord necklace

I really value having an adjustable cord for a Pounamu pendant.  It means I can take it on and off easily for sport, sleeping, swapping jewellery, etc.  I always put it in a safe place near where I sleep though. [kad_youtube url=”” ] It also is good for gifts as then they recipient can choose…

Koru Moana

Koru Moana

This is a commission that had a really cool goal.  To represent both and Australia and New Zealand and bring them together. There were several concepts talked about before deciding on this one.  I liked this on the best.  The stone is shaped like a wave when held on the side, this is to represent…