Whai – Stingray

Whai – Stingray

Whai is the Maori word for Stingray. In certain areas of Aoteroa New Zealand the Whai is believed to be Kaitiaki – Protector.  They are often seen gliding effortlessly through the water at the beach, yet when they are startled or threatened their response can be quick, powerful, and deadly.     This has been…

Hoi – Waka Paddle

Hoi – Waka Paddle

These are a set of Pounamu Hoi, Waka Paddles.  Hoi are an integral part of a waka (canoe) and the team that man that waka. They are a strong symbolic representation of a united team that is all putting in their effort to move the ‘waka’ towards a goal. A Hoi would be given to…