Te Manawa o te Whānau – The Heart of the Family
I have recently completed this Porohita Pounamu taonga, named “Te Manawa o te Whānau”, meaning “The Heart of the Family.” This name reflects the essence of motherhood—the sacrifice, the care, the strength, and the deep love that binds a whānau together. A mother is often the central force in a family, ensuring its well-being, providing support, and nurturing the connections that hold everyone close. This piece was commissioned by a whānau to honour their mana wahine, the mother who has been at the heart of their lives.

This taonga is carved from Kawakawa Pounamu, the same stone I used for the previous set I created for this family. It feels fitting that her piece comes from the same source—just as she is the foundation of their whānau, this Pounamu has linked them all together. The Porohita (circle) shape represents wholeness, the unbreakable nature of family, and the cycle of life.

At the centre of the design is a Koru, symbolising her journey and the people closest to her on it. Within that Koru, three smaller koru flow together—representing the three men in her life, the ones who stand beside her, grow with her, and are nurtured by her presence. The placement of these koru within the larger form symbolises how she protects and supports them, yet remains part of their journey, growing alongside them.

This taonga speaks to the sacrifices mothers make, always placing others before themselves, ensuring the physical and mental well-being of those they love. But it also holds the joy, the warmth, and the deep fulfilment that comes from bringing a family together. “Te Manawa o te Whānau” is a tribute to the strength, resilience, and love of a mother—a taonga to honour the heart of this whānau.