Mana Taonga
The art of Pounamu carving is a tradition steeped in the cultural heritage of Aotearoa (New Zealand), a practice that transforms raw greenstone into meaningful taonga (treasures). One such creation is the “Mana Taonga,” a toki (adze) that is more than a mere ornament; it is a symbol of strength, courage, and authority.

The Mana Taonga toki has a robust and wide blade that tapers to a fine point, reminiscent of the traditional Maori tool once used for carving wood. The surface of the Pounamu is a rich, dark green interlaced with lighter shades and subtle inclusions, which tell the unique story of the stone’s journey from the earth to the carver’s hands. A distinct koru (spiral) starts at the base of the toki, signifying growth and new beginnings, a touch that adds depth and a sense of movement to the piece.

The toki, historically, was a tool of the builders, the creators, and the artists. It represents the shaping of one’s own destiny with precision and artistry. The name “Mana Taonga” is deeply evocative, with “Mana” encapsulating spiritual power and authority, and “Taonga” meaning a treasured possession or cultural treasure. Together, they imply that this toki is not merely a beautiful object but an embodiment of the power and prestige inherent in one’s cultural identity and personal achievements.

This toki is a testament to the enduring legacy of Pounamu, preserving the stories and the spirit of the land. This particular toki, with its intricate design and powerful name, is a piece that carries the essence of the New Zealand spirit, ready to become part of someone’s story and heritage.