Samoan Turtle Toki

Samoan Turtle Toki

This was a pendant that was made to bring two cultures together. Just as we are often born from two or more cultures, this toki represents this blending on ways of life. The toki is a symbol of leadership, authority, and mana from the maori world. The turtle is a symbol of f wisdom, endurance,…

Totoweka Wide Toki 5cm

Totoweka Wide Toki 5cm

The colours in this toki really stand out as a vivid example of the totoweka colouring. Totoweka is named after the blood of the weka, as the colours resemble it in the pounamu. It is pretty hard to find. The contrast well with the deep green of the kawakawa pounamu they are found in. The…

Wedding Set – Toki

Wedding Set – Toki

This set was made for two people that were made for each other. A matching set that will be able to show the abstract concepts of love and connection and commitment that being wed to another is about. You can see in this image how they were sitting in the piece of pounamu before being…

8cm Classic Toki

8cm Classic Toki

This toki is done in the classic style. It has a mix of colours from bright green to cloudy greys. The character that the patterning gives it makes a truly eye catching pounamu. The modern Hei Toki, often worn around the neck as a pendant, represents foremost strength, authority, and leadership. It is can also…

5cm Kawakawa Toki

5cm Kawakawa Toki

Gorgeous cloud patterning in this toki. Some orange colouring coming through that looks like totoweka or raukaraka pounamu. The modern Hei Toki, often worn around the neck as a pendant, represents foremost strength, authority, and leadership. It is can also a symbol of power, courage, wisdom, determination, self-control, and focus.

Mana Rangatira Toki

Mana Rangatira Toki

This pounamu is to represent the man of the whanau. To support the Rangatiratanga – Leadership and Mana that he holds in this role. A toki traditionally represents leadership, authority, and mana. This is very appropriate for the kaupapa of this pendant. Made for one man in particular. The slice of pounamu that was chosen…