Angitu Manawanui | A Toki Infused with Resilience
This toki, named Angitu Manawanui by its owner, is a beautiful piece imbued with deep meaning. Carved from Inanga pounamu featuring stunning Pīpīwharauroa chatoyancy, the pounamu itself originates from the Arahura River on the South Island of New Zealand. Measuring approximately 8cm in length, this toki is a powerful symbol of success achieved through unwavering determination and perseverance.

The name chosen for this toki, Angitu Manawanui, carries a powerful message. “Angitu” translates to success or achievement, while “manawanui” signifies patience, perseverance, and resilience. Together, they speak of the idea that true success comes from unwavering determination and the ability to overcome challenges.
Toki hold significant cultural and spiritual significance, often representing strength, authority, and prestige. Toki were originally crafted from several types of stone including, ōnewa/greywacke and pakohe/argylitte. However toki made from pounamu was the most highly revered by Māori for its beauty and durability.

The customer who commissioned this toki specifically chose the pounamu for its captivating chatoyancy, a mesmerizing play of light that embodies the concept of inner strength and unwavering resolve. They described the meaning of the pounamu in their own words:
“Success shines from the resilience of the human spirit, fueled by a relentless pursuit of one’s goals. In every accomplishment lies the story of perseverance, a testament to the mana and grit in the face of obstacles. Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui.”
(Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui translates to “Be strong, Be brave, Be steadfast”.)

This toki is a beautiful collaboration between myself, the carver, and the customer who imbues it with a deep personal significance. It serves as a reminder that success is a journey, paved with perseverance and unwavering determination.