Ōnewa Toki


Unearth a piece of Aotearoa’s history with this Hokitika Ōnewa toki pendant. Crafted from a beach-found stone, its dark grey color embodies age and untold stories. Toki symbolize strength, resourcefulness, and connection to Maori heritage.

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This 55mm toki pendant is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a whisper of Aotearoa’s history unearthed from the beaches of Hokitika. Crafted from dark grey Ōnewa stone, it holds a weight that speaks to its age and countless stories.

Size: 55mm

Material: Ōnewa/Greywacke

Location: Hokitika

The moment I found the stone, smoothed by the ocean, I felt a connection to the past. Carving this toki was a humbling experience, breathing new life into this taonga (treasure) and honoring the legacy it carries. Toki were vital tools for the Maori people, symbolizing strength, resourcefulness, and a deep connection to the land.

Carving this toki was a humbling experience. With each careful stroke, I felt a responsibility to honor the legacy it carried. The dark grey Ōnewa gleamed under my tools, whispering tales of its journey.

A Symbol of Strength and Resourcefulness

Toki were more than just tools for the Maori people of New Zealand. They were symbols of strength, resourcefulness, and the unwavering spirit of their creators. This toki pendant embodies those qualities, a reminder of the deep connection Maori have with the land.

Owning a Piece of History

When you wear this toki pendant, you’re not just wearing a piece of adornment; you’re carrying a whisper of history close to your heart. It’s a conversation starter, a chance to connect with the rich cultural heritage of Aotearoa.

This toki is a perfect size for everyday wear, a unique addition to any jewelry collection. Will you be the one to continue its story?