Niho Rangatiratanga
These Niho – Teeth are associated with the shark. They represent leadership, strength, resilience, and life long learning. This set is made for the head students of Rolleston College 2022.

I love being able to make something so special to recognise our akonga – students in this way. The five students have been great leaders this year, building their skills, their confidence, and their ability to work within their community. This set is made from gorgeous Arahura Kawakawa pounamu. Two of the pieces have some of the rare reddish colouring called totoweka – blood of the weka.

In the words of the school, “The tooth represents leadership, strength and resilience. We give these so that you will hold on to this kaupapa and continue to live this spirit/wairua as lifelong learners. We give these so that even after you leave, you will be a leader of Rolleston College Horoeka Haemata forever.“

We often see only the end product of pounamu pendants and the carving of them is a mystery, these images give a glimpse of what they were for a very long time before they were carved. Having pieces carved from the same slice of pounamu is special. This set will always share that strong connection, just as the students have shared the experience of Rolleston College and will always be connected to that.