Niho Kotahitanga
Horoeka Haemata – Rolleston College has its first cohort of learners graduating this year. I have the privilege of making a set of pounamu for the 5 Head Students that make up the student leadership team from this year.

The Niho is a symbol that links strongly with shark and/or whale teeth. It represents leadership, strength, resiliency, and courage. These 5 Niho are all carved from a single slice of pounamu. Kotahitanga is about the concept of unity and togetherness. This is a core value of community and teamwork, both things that have shone through with the mahi that these leaders have put in during their final year at Horoeka Haemata – Rolleston College.

In the words of the school “The tooth represents leadership, strength and resilience. We give these so that you will hold on to this kaupapa and continue to live this spirit/wairua as lifelong learners. We give these so that even after you leave, you will be a leader of Rolleston College Horoeka Haemata forever.“

It is a huge honor for me to be asked and be able to carve these for students at my own kura. This gift is a recoginition of the contribution of the work and effort they have put into the Rolleston College and will forever be a connection for them with each other and with the kura.
Knowing the whakapapa of pounamu is valuable. This pounamu was originally collected from South Westland. These images show the stages of it being transformed from the rough slice into the pounamu taonga they now are.