Mana Wairua – Strong Spirit
This is a set that has significant meaning as part of it well before I became part of the picture. I really love how the end result shows off the rough exterior of the pounamu that has been softened and polished from being a touch stone.

This piece of pounamu first came to this family as a gift from a person on the Chatham Islands after spending some time there.

There was actually a gift exchange and the photo below was given the man from the Chathams.

Can you see the face?
The idea with this piece of pounamu was to make something for his daughter for her wedding. It was great when I received the pounamu to see that we would be able to make two pieces, one for each of the couple.

After a phone call to find out all this history and purpose it was clear that maintaining as much integrity of the original was important. It is such a great piece to showcase the original outer edge as nature made it.

A special set that will always be connected by the shared source of pounamu and in this way connect those that treasure and wear these pendants.