9cm Flower Jade Toki

In the realm of pounamu carving, there’s a story that unfolds – a tale of transition and transformation, born from the heart of the earth and ultimately brought to life in the hands of the carver. This narrative begins with a unique stone known as the ‘flower jade’ or putiputi pounamu from the Marsden region, and culminates in the creation of a captivating pounamu toki, measuring an impressive 9cm in length. This is more than just the story of an exquisite piece of art; it is a testament to a profound cultural heritage, a tale etched in stone, and a journey through time.

The toki, a Maori word meaning “adze”, is an artefact of profound cultural significance. It is a symbol of power, authority and control in the Māori culture. Traditionally used as a practical tool for carving and constructing, the toki later evolved into a more ceremonial artefact, signifying chieftainship. The toki, when carved from pounamu, transcends its utility, becoming an emblem of perseverance, courage, and resilience.

Before the metamorphosis into the toki, the jade was just an intriguing slice of raw pounamu. Its untouched exterior gave no hint of the future shape it was destined to assume. There’s a profound beauty in witnessing this initial phase of the pounamu’s journey, its transformation from a rough stone to a meticulously crafted artefact. This stage provides a glimpse into the potential held within every slice of jade, a nod to the artist’s vision and the time-honored craft of jade carving.

The puti puti pounamu used for this toki is a remarkable type of jade. Hailing from the Marsden region, this jade exhibits incredible patterns reminiscent of blooming flowers or whimsical clouds, hence its moniker, ‘flower jade.’ Its unique beauty is characterized by spectacular yellow and orange markings, creating a stunning visual contrast against the cool green of the jade.

In conclusion, the creation of this flower jade toki reflects not just an artistic journey, but also a journey through culture, time, and earth’s magnificent geological processes. It’s a compelling narrative woven into a piece of stone, inviting us to appreciate the powerful legacy of the Maori people and the entrancing charm of pounamu. This toki stands as a testament to the enduring allure of jade, the silent narratives it carries, and its profound cultural and personal significance.

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