Toki – Chisel
This toki is made to resemble a modern day wood chisel. An ideal pendant for someone that works with their hands, as well representing leadership, courage, and strength.

This toki is made to resemble a modern day wood chisel. An ideal pendant for someone that works with their hands, as well representing leadership, courage, and strength.
This is a spectacular pounamu and a spectacular set of carvings for this whanau. It is made from inganga pounamu from the Arahura river. It has chatoyant or pipiwhirauroa characteristics which can make it shimmer in the light. It is named for the long tail feathers of the pipiwhirauroa. First steps were choosing the slices…
I am proud of this toki, it is unique, has a meaningful kaupapa, and it will be highly valued. This is a stunning piece of Marsden Flower Jade, with the characteristic deep greens and the orange ‘flower’ at the end. The rough that was decided to be left on give a hint of what this…
Some stones carry with them an extraordinary story, and this agate from Kaitorete Spit near Taumutu in Canterbury is one of those treasures. It’s the finest agate I’ve ever found, and I was fortunate to capture the moment of discovery on video—an experience I’ve shared in the accompanying footage. The stone is truly remarkable. Its…
I am on a bit of a mission to develop my toki designs at the moment. I love the shape of the old tokis that were used for practical work by pre european Maori. I try to incorporate as much of this design as I can in my Hei Toki pendants. The important part of…
Deep within the embrace of Aotearoa, where the Douglas Creek flows with the wisdom of the ages, there emerges a Pounamu set that is the very essence of New Zealand’s spirit. Named Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho, meaning ‘Legacy Treasures,’ this set comprises a toki and a roimata pendant, each carved from the same slice of…
This set is full of significance and meaning for the whanau that will be wearing it. It represents their connection to one another and the significant journey and time in their life that are currently in. The big toki is for the father who I worked with to design this set for his whanau. The…