Wairua Kapua


Named “Wairua Kapua”, meaning “spiritual reflection of one’s emotions”, this pendant embodies the importance of acknowledging and understanding our full emotional range. The traditional Māori teardrop shape, or roimata, represents the flow of these emotions. Wearing this pendant is a reminder that emotions shape our experiences and offer a path to deeper self-understanding.

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“Wairua Kapua,” translating to “spiritual reflection of one’s emotions,” perfectly captures the essence of this roimata pendant. In Māori culture, the teardrop shape goes beyond mere sadness. It represents the outward flow of our entire emotional spectrum. By wearing this pendant, you acknowledge the importance of processing all emotions, both joyful and challenging. The roimata serves as a reminder that emotions are a flowing journey, and this pendant reflects your own unique path of emotional expression.

Size: 8cm

Material: Inanga Pounamu/Nephrite

Pounamu, often referred to as New Zealand jade or greenstone, is more than just a gemstone in Maori culture. It’s a taonga (treasure) that holds spiritual significance. Believed to be a gift from the gods, pounamu is cherished for its strength, durability, and beauty. Different varieties of pounamu have distinct colors and patterns, with Inanga being one of them. Characterized by its lovely pale green shade, reminiscent of the native inanga (whitebait), it is especially prized for jewelry and ornaments.

This Inanga Pounamu Roimata pendant is not just a piece of jewelry; it’s a narrative of history, tradition, and spiritual significance. It embodies the Maori culture’s reverence for nature, emotions, and craftsmanship. Owning or gifting such a pendant isn’t just acquiring a beautiful artifact; it’s an embrace of a legacy that has thrived for centuries and will continue to inspire for generations to come.