Moana Whanau

Moana Whanau

This toki is made from the rare and beautiful Marsden Flower Jade, or Putiputi. The notches in the side are for his two children. The wave is to represent the deep connection with Te Moana – The Ocean he has, particularly through waka ama. I loved carving this wave. The lines came up so clean…

Niho Kotahitanga
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Niho Kotahitanga

Horoeka Haemata – Rolleston College has its first cohort of learners graduating this year. I have the privilege of making a set of pounamu for the 5 Head Students that make up the student leadership team from this year. The Niho is a symbol that links strongly with shark and/or whale teeth. It represents leadership,…

Rua Niho

Rua Niho

The niho represents strength, leadership, and resilience. Commonly associated with the whale or the shark, both powerful creatures. This set is made for two people that share the kaupapa. The pounamu for each is different and this is to reflect each wearer. The connection is through the symbol and the carving process of them being…